Monday, July 13, 2009

Re: [bvp_ieee] Inviting Applications for the New Editorial Board of Pratibimb

From: gurnani_nidhi <>
Sent: Sunday, 12 July, 2009 8:41:07 PM
Subject: [bvp_ieee] Inviting Applications for the New Editorial Board of Pratibimb

Dear All,

As most of you must be aware, our IEEE student branch publishes an e-journal by the name of PRATIBIMB – Reflection of Perfection twice every semester. Currently the e-journal comprises of the following sections:

  1. Technical
  2. Managerial
  3. Literary
  4. Popular Science
  5. My Branch
  6. Guest Section
  7. Vive-le-Hesitation  

  The journal can be viewed at http://pratibimb.

In the coming academic year a new editorial board will be taking over the charge of the journal. All those who wish to be a part of the endeavour as editors may contact the undersigned either by e-mail or telephonically latest by 20th July (Monday).

The journal is the branch's own venture, which has been successfully lauded by one and all over the past two years. It is a platform provided by the branch which will help build its members a well rounded personlaity and hone their communication and literary skills, thereby improving confidence, and providing sufficient exposure for you to showcase your talents.

So, all members are strongly encouraged to contribute in the form of articles, new ideas, suggestions for improvement etc. by sending an e-mail to the undersigned or the yahoo group of the branch. Looking forward to some eager response by the 2nd and 3rd year students.

Thank you,

Nidhi Gurnani

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