Saturday, May 16, 2009

[bvp_ieee] WORLDCOMP'09 - The 2009 World Congress in Computer Science, Computer Engineering, and Applied Computing

WORLDCOMP'09 - The 2009 World Congress in Computer Science, Computer Engineering, and Applied Computing

Key Dates 
Last date for submission of full paperMay 27, 2009 
Registration opens onJune 24, 2009 
Conference beginsJuly 13, 2009 
Conference endsJuly 16, 2009

For More Details


WORLDCOMP'09 is the largest annual gathering of researchers in computer science, computer engineering and applied computing. It assembles a spectrum of affiliated research conferences, workshops, and symposiums into a coordinated research meeting held in a common place at a common time. This model facilitates communication among researchers in different fields of computer science and computer engineering. The last Joint Conferences (WORLDCOMP'08) attracted over 2,000 computer science and Engineering researchers from 82 countries. It is anticipated that The WORLDCOMP'09 will attract about 2500 participants. The WORLDCOMP'09 is composed of 22 (planned) major conferences - attendees will have full access to all 22 conferences' sessions, tracks, and tutorials (planned). Many of the 22 joint conferences in WORLDCOMP are the premier conferences for presentation of advances in their respective fields. All conferences will be held simultaneously. Each conference will have its own proceedings. All conference proceedings/books are considered for inclusion in major database indexes that are designed to provide easy access to the current literature of the sciences (database examples: DBLP, ISI Thomson Scientific, IEE INSPEC, ...).

Call for Papers:

You are invited to submit a paper (see instructions below.) This announcement is ONLY for those who missed the opportunity to submit their papers in response to earlier announcements (authors who have already been notified that their papers have been accepted/not-accepted should IGNORE this announcement.)

This is a Call For Papers for publication in the Final Edition of the conference proceedings.  All papers submitted in response to this announcement will be evaluated for publication in the Final Edition of the proceedings which will go to press soon after the conference (publication date: late August 2009).

Submission of papers:

Prospective authors are invited to submit/upload their papers in pdf or MS doc (about 7 pages, single spaced with the font size
of 10 or 11) to the following web site:

All reasonable typesetting formats are acceptable.  Authors of accepted papers will later be asked to follow a particular typing instructions to prepare their final paper for publication.

Papers must not have been previously published or currentlysubmitted for publication elsewhere.  The first page of the paper should include: title of the paper, name, affiliation, postal address, and email address for each author.  Accepted papers will be published in the final edition of the respective

All submissions will be evaluated for originality, significance, clarity, and soundness.  Each paper will be refereed by tworesearchers in the topical area.  All proceedings of WORLDCOMP will be published and indexed in: Inspec / IET / The Institute for Engineering and Technology, DBLP / CS Bibliography, and others.

Thanks And Regards,
|~Ankitanks Inc  ®© ~|
"Technicality skills is the master of complexity,while creativity is master of simplicity!"

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