JNCASR Summer Research Fellowships Programme 2010
The students selected under this programme are placed with scientists at the Centre or elsewhere in India, for 2 months with a stipend of Rs. 5000 /- p.m and travel support as per Govt. of India norms. Detailed information about summer research fellowships Download Application Forms for SRFP 2010 Application Forms can also be obtained by writing to the address mentioned below with a self-addressed envelope of 16x25 cms with stamp of Rs. 10/- *Those not fulfilling the criteria are advised not to apply. About 15 students will be chosen as Rajiv Gandhi Science Talent Research Fellows based on the completed project reports Only selected candidates will be intimated by 31st March-2010 and the list will also be available on the web site. Contact Information :The Assistant Coordinator Jawaharlal Nehru Centre for Advanced Scientific Research, Jakkur P.O., Bangalore 560 064. Additional guidelines for Summer Fellows placed in the JNCASR ONLY. All summer students should inform the JNCASR well in advance about the exact duration of their visit. The Fellowships section will then request the appropriate authority for accommodation, and let the Fellow know where he/she will be staying. In special cases where a student needs to visit the Centre for a period in addition to that covered by the Fellowship, the guide may send in a request to this effect. The Centre will try to make their stay possible and fruitful. It is important that such students should inform the Fellowships section about the exact dates of their stay well in advance. Only students who receive an e-mail confirmation of accommodation being reserved for them can expect to be housed by the Centre. The student should carry money required for security deposit. |
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