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prerna gaur <prernagaur@yahoo.com> Date: Wed, Nov 11, 2009 at 3:52 PM
Subject: Fw: [SBNEWS] [Announcement] IEEE TechSym 2010 - Call for Papers
To: prerna gaur <
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Thanks and Regard
Prerna Gaur
Senior member IEEE , Membership No. : 41359245
'Chair of Standing Committee,
Membership Development Committee'
Secratery, WIE,
IEEE Delhi Section,
Branch Counsellor,
NSIT Students Branch, Branch Code : 2534811
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From: IEEE APO - Fanny & Ewell <ieeeapo@pacific.net.sg>
Sent: Wed, November 11, 2009 10:11:25 AM
Subject: [SBNEWS] [Announcement] IEEE TechSym 2010 - Call for Papers
Sent on Behalf of Kharagpur Section Chair, Debasis Samanta < dsamanta@iitkgp.ac.in >
Please feel free to publicize the attached Call for Papers for IEEE TechSymn 2010 to your local student members who may be interested.
If you are not able to view this mail properly, please visit http://techsym.in/message/cfp/techsym2010_call_for_paper.html
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Important Dates:
Paper Submission: 15 Dec 2009 Acceptance Notification: 15 Jan 2010
Camera Ready Submission: 15 Mar 2010 Presentation Submission: 15 Mar 2010
General Chair: Somnath Dey Track Chair:
Technology in Healthcare: Palak Mehrotra
Technology in Education: Subhamoy Mandal
Women in Engineering: Rusha Patra Human-Computer Interaction: Soumyajit Dey
Model Making Contest: Sai Praveen Technology Quiz: Ritwika Ghose
Finance: Vikram Venkatraghavan Publication: Debdoot Sheet
| | IEEE TechSym 2010 IEEE Students' Technology Symposium 2010 Indian Institute of Technology, Kharagpur || Kharagpur 721 302 India 3-4 April 2010
"Logic will get you from A to B. Imagination will take you everywhere."---Albert Einstein Mind of a student should be free to explore the universe of knowledge beyond realms of his academic portals. Such enlightenment can only come through interaction and involvement in activities in diverse domains. Freedom of ideation and excitement of being appreciated by peers can only but enhance this quest for excellence. TechSym'10 is your chance to see the limelight of technical emergence and professional glory. The IEEE Student Branch of IIT Kharagpur in collaboration with IEEE Education Society SAC, IEEE EMB Student Club, IIT - NID Group and WIE creates a unique platform for you. The organizing committee of the IEEE Students' Technology Symposium 2010 invites scholastic contributions in the form of articles for oral/poster presentations. Submissions are invited for presentations at the following tracks:
Track 1 - TECHNOLOGY IN HEALTHCARE: - Biomedical signal processing.
- Biomedical image and multidimensional signal processing.
- Wavelets and transform domain analysis in medicine.
- Mathematical Inference for Health care.
- Data-mining in Medicine.
- Emerging trends in medical imaging.
- Medical electronics and clinical care devices.
- Biomedical instrumentation & biosensors.
- Bioinformatics and Computational Biology.
- Systems biology and modeling techniques.
- Tissue engineering and Biomaterials in medicine.
- Neural systems and Rehabilitation techniques.
- Healthcare informatics.
- Leveraging, commercialization and deployment of Healthcare Technology.
Track 2 - TECHNOLOGY IN EDUCATION: - Infrastructure and Technologies for Engineering Education
- Innovative Materials, Teaching and Learning Experiences in Engineering Education
- Knowledge and Competencies in Engineering
- Educational Methods and Learning Mechanisms in Engineering Education
- Attracting, Engaging and Retaining Human Talent to Engineering
Track 3 - WOMEN IN ENGINEERING: - Innovation in Aerospace
- Power Electronics
- Wireless Communications, Networking and Mobile Computing
- Sensor Technology
- Hybrid Technologies in Engineering
- Computer -aided Design of Integrated Circuits and Systems
- Audio, Speech and Language Processing
- Image and Multidimensional Signal Processing
- Control System Technology
- Dielectrics and Electric Insulation
- Geosciences and remote sensing
- Fuzzy systems
- Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence
- Device and materials reliability
- Microelectromechanical systems
- Parallel and distributed systems
- Very large scale integration (VLSI) systems
- Robotics
- Microwave theory and techniques
- Instrumentation and measurements
- Information forensics and security
- Nanoscience and nanotechnology
- Non conventional energy sources
- Low power embedded system
Track 4 - HUMAN COMPUTER INTERACTION: - User Interface design, evaluation, deployment
- Affective Interfaces
- HCI for Education
- Multi-modal Interfaces
- Assistive Technology
- Ubiquitous Computing
- Social factors in user interface design
- HCI and Web Technology
- Natural language interfaces
- Adaptive user interfaces
MANUSCRIPT GUIDELINES Manuscripts should be at least 5 pages and support complete color illustrations. Manuscripts are to be prepared according to IEEE two-column conference format in letter-paper. Articles prepared using Latex2e are encouraged. IEEE conference templates are available here. Faculty members and industry professionals working in the domains mentioned above can submit their papers and will be considered for extended publication in IEEE MEEM but they will not qualify for the best student paper award. SUBMISSION PROCEDURE Submissions will be accepted only by electronic submission through Microsoft CMT. In addition to the main technical program, the symposium will also include technology quiz and scientific model making contest.
TECHNOLOGY QUIZ The Quiz session will be modeled on the lines of "How things work" and will be a based on application of science and technology in daily life. Questions will be set keeping in consideration of fresher and sophomore university students in mind. SCIENTIFIC MODEL MAKING CONTEST Scientific model making contest is designated to School Students and 1st yr Bachelors students only. The selected students will be encouraged to develop the prototype and file the IP for the designs if it achieves the desired levels of novelty and market potential.
A special track in the contest will be introduced with a separate award on behalf of WIE to encourage school girls to take up engineering as their career. Further information and updates please visit www.techsym.in | | | |

© 2010 IEEE Student Branch of IIT Kharagpur, All rights reserved | |

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Ewell Tan
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Communications Society Office
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Tel: (65) 6778 2873
Fax: (65) 6778 9723
Email: ewell.tan@ieee.org
Website: www.ieee.org
Nidhi Gurnani
IEEE Student Branch, BVCOE, New Delhi
nidhi.gurnani@ieee.org ******************************************
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